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Old 2020-11-30, 08:35   Link #1406
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2007
Oh, so those are the former versions? OK, I have to say this. From the viewpoint of casual fan or newcomer that treats this as the lead-in to the series, the new designs will probably be the least controversial and most suitable for Visual Novel use.

Euphoria: My personal, selfish favorite is actually the 小島大和 one, and the new 犬江しんすけ one is second, but with 小島大和 she arguably seems younger, more bubbly and all that compared to her Seinarukana version. That won't work out too well and besides I remember the 小島大和 one wasn't exactly beloved (at least here).

Myugi: I agree the new 犬江しんすけ one is uninspired next to the other ones, but at least it's competent and I can buy that being a teen. Also, while 小島大和's looks good as a key visual or light novel art, I suspect those feathers won't be such a good match if you look at her face on (the primary visual novel angle), and the feathers are so prominent I can't estimate what she'll look like without them. Unsafe. Moving on.

Hiziri: These stern-eyed types aren't my favorite. The new 犬江しんすけ version seems more mature and the other two are more teenage. This may reflect changes in intended characterization, and if we are going for the mature miko type then the new one fits the personality better, though none are fails.

Raguranju: 人丸's looks bland and doesn't make me think of the klutzy personality suggested in the description. 小島大和's is really pushing that klutzy angle but again seems to work better as a Key Visual than a Visual Novel. The new 犬江しんすけ is flexible and so can work with the noted personality.

All Temourins look the same, do they? Moving on...

Reina: I do think the 小島大和 is better, and retain my opinion on the new one, but at least it doesn't suck. 人丸's chooses its audience and I suspect the new choice is a safer one.

Since a visual novel design has to first Not Fail before it can Succeed, and as can be seen above the new one is the only set that I can give at least a pass mark to everyone, I think overall he is on the right path.

And as an aside ... Kijin? Are we now mixing in Kikouyoku Senki concepts too?
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