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Old 2020-11-16, 03:13   Link #61
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Join Date: Mar 2014
Originally Posted by shmaster View Post
But I am pretty sure Chosen Hero is going to like what happens to Hamzura this volume.
Hmm... we will see, Hamazura has been getting way too many free passes since NT.1, with NT.22 having been his worse offense by far. I have pretty much lost all hope that Kamachi will address any of it or make him suffer the consequences like the others (Touma, Misaka, Accelerator, Misaki) have.

Originally Posted by RPG_Fanatic View Post
I am saying this having only read early parts of this novel. A random popped into my head seeing the Coins of Nicholas. The mana to charge them has to come from somewhere. Wouldn't it be messed up if the mana was coming from all the espers that have been rushed to the emergency room of the hospitals.
It's more likely that the coins are luck syphons that recharge by absorbing the luck of the nearest person connected to the one holding it, that would explain how so far two people connected to Hamazura happened to die when he was nearby and why Kamachi is keeping ITEM away from him for the time being.

Maybe this phenomena is happening to everyone who owns a coin and that's why there are so many deaths that Hamazura maybe partly be perceiving as murders. Of course, that isn't to say that there aren't some members of Anti-Skill (or hidden D.A. agents) that might be taking advantage of the situation to exact some revenge.
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