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Old 2020-11-06, 16:04   Link #87
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Originally Posted by Cosmic Eagle View Post
I didn't know that Chinese idol culture is so...........American O___o

I mean obviously Hololive Chinese fans do this all the time but I thought it was an otaku thing lol. Didn't know it's mainstream like in US media culture
Wait, seriously, this is a thing in America as well ??? I mean, I read news about how China celebrity industry goes. ANd yeah, You have actual company hiring water army to attack another company talents, and the normal reactions is actually attack back, i.e flooding the video, social media with countless comments and even scandals. These tactics eventually became the norm in their celebrity culture, which make them quite toxic, I mean, even some idols said themselves that becoming famous equal people insulting you. And they even claimed that Infamy is also a type of fame. So some even go out of their way to make scandal themselves to fan the flames so people would notice them more. Frankly, I don't found hololiveCN situation strange when it happened, more like just as usual ehhh....

Originally Posted by Cosmic Eagle View Post
And not enter again until at least like 15 years later if the place has became more sane

15 years might not even enough with the current climate, I mean seriously, China is only going to be more progressively nationalistic from now on, and I doubt that will change anytime soon unless something very big happen with their government.

Originally Posted by Cosmic Eagle View Post
Not Moments per se. The Bilbili translators. Of which several do overlap with the Moments crew.

Bilbili does not seem to officially hire, so much as outsource their work for minor stuff like subbing. And while you may not trust what Chinese on NGA say, this outsourcing is pretty much quite common practice in not only China but many Asian places. Not unreasonable that this lax management contributed to their discontent. Besides, NGA is pretty much accurate in regards to them telegraphing their plans to spam Coco anyway....and their brigading for Artia which only puts her in a worse spot (she did try to appease both sides.....But with such people, both Chinese and international, there's no appeasing them. Not if she wants to continue streaming in China at any rate)

And yeah, Cover has no jurisdiction over them. They are indeed barking at the wrong tree. But you know Bilibili crowd. They rather take it out on Cover than their own Bili which they consider their turf.....Especially if they feel they aren't getting enough respect from Cover JP internationally.

It's surprising all the same that a Japanese company, with how anal Japanese companies tend to be about complex, detailed procedures, would be willing to work with an entity that handles their workers so loosely
It's more like they have no choice though, all company want to be in CN have to be in joint venture with a domestic company as mandated by law in China, And Bilibili is practically the sole biggest streaming site on CHina. From Chinese side, they probably will always site with national company regardless of the issues as long it's deal with foreigner.
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