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Old 2020-11-04, 01:45   Link #41
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Join Date: Mar 2014
Oh look, Hamazura conveniently has a Deus ex Machina to replace Aneri, his other Deus ex Machina that he can't use at the moment.

Originally Posted by Twi View Post
Ugh... I'm kind of unhappy how the prologue starts though.


And on that note:
Agreed, I really hate how the story is trying to justify that not everyone that works on the dark side is evil... which, as you mention, makes no damn sense considering Hamazura himself has taken assassination and kidnapping jobs and who know what other kinds of horrible jobs in the past. Meanwhile, here we have Takitsubo who was the one aiming the murderers with pinpoint accuracy at their victims, while Kinuhata and Mugino did the stomping and the killing, of which by the way, Hamazura actively got rid of the evidence himself, but he felt bad that one time so I guess he's been redeemed.

There's also the fact that to work for the dark side you not only have to know about all of the heinous disgusting shit going on and that are being done by the people you work for and help, but also you have to actively ignore it and let it happen.

How the hell am I supposed to believe the bs he is spewing when the dark side is the most horrible thing outside of actual literal monsters? This is like someone coming up to me and saying: "But no really, not all terrorists are that bad tho, some of the are super nice and totally essential to society, you need to talk to them and get to know them better." It doesn't matter how much of a sweet person they are, it doesn't change the fact that THEY ARE F****** TERRORISTS.

But hey, Kamachi needs to find a way to make his golden boy look like the good guy and to come out on top in the end, so I guess he doesn't mind retconning and/or ignoring a few things from the characters past.

Calling it now, Hamazura get off scott free while teaching everyone that not all of the terrorists are bad guys after all.

As for who is behind the Anti Skill brutality, there's three options that come to my mind:

1. D.A.

2. The higher ups of the Dark Side

3. Anna

4. All of the above working together to undermine Accelerators plans.

Remember, Accelerator wanted to do things right and by the law, that's why he turned himself in instead of going after the Dark Side himself and just singlehandedly annihilating them. Also Anna literally told him that she was going to mess it all up for him, so... Yeah.
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