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Old 2020-09-25, 21:11   Link #108
Primary Consult
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Age: 40
Was not expecting Mikoto to accommodate Doppleganger's wish... illustrates the difference between her (realist) and Touma (only option is saving the girl / 'reforming' the enemy) pretty well.

The events of Astral Buddy manga humorously tied into the ending here, heh. Misaki missed the opportunity to tease Kuroko by mentioning Mikoto's, uh, grabbing and critiquing incident from ep 21.

I did not expect Kongou to get friendly with a clone before Kuroko, but I guess Mikoto has to start somewhere!

Leader did not look thrilled at getting their rank restored... perhaps she found helping Mikoto more fulfilling than dark side work.

Speaking of, I love how much this season delved in the dark side. Kamachi mentioned in a tweet today that Railgun is to the dark side what Touma is to the Magic side, which bodes well for the future! Mikoto seems to have met more dark side people than anyone else: all of GROUP (before they were GROUP) by Index Season 2, ITEM minus Hamazura, MEMBER minus Professor [Saraku was one of BLAU's customers in ep 16], Scavenger.

Misaki's seamless operation on both dark (Keitz) and light (clique) sides was also fun to see. Mikoto might need to learn from her if things keep going in this direction, as Saten and Kuroko have had several near death experiences wandering into the darkside while Misaki keeps her clique safely out of it. Perhaps Mikoto needs to "adopt" Scavenger for more risky missions?

This episode, and season as a whole, was fantastic, and a perfect note to end this round of To Aru series on. I can see why they save Railgun for last!
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