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Old 2020-09-22, 02:16   Link #41
Moving in circles
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Singapore
Age: 49
Originally Posted by cyberdemon View Post
14 is just awesome. Love it. Wasn’t there for the 1.0 era though.
You didn't miss much.

The original creators probably had a very different story in mind, something that was more similar to the different series of quests for each of the three major nations in FFXI. A part of me still wishes that Yoshi-P and crew didn't nuke that original concept so thoroughly.

The overall story concepts for each major iteration of FFXIV since "A Realm Reborn" have been hit-or-miss for me personally. While I certainly appreciate the high-fantasy scale, scope and grandeur of "Heavensward" and "Shadowbringers", personally it's the more low-key stories from "A Realm Reborn" and "Stormblood" that resonated much more strongly with me.

At this point, it's too soon to tell which direction FFXVI will go. As a huge fan of FF-Tactics and FFXII, I would be thrilled if the story of FFXVI delves more deeply into the moral dilemmas and political intrigue (Yoshi-P is a great admirer of Yasumi Matsuno's work on the Ivalice series) of its world. That's the kind of content I personally find very compelling, but who am I kidding? The average Final Fantasy fan hates that kind of setting. I recall how many of them trashed FFXII for not being "Final Fantasy" enough.

Originally Posted by cyberdemon View Post
Yoshi p can tell a great story based on what he’s done with 14. I’m just hoping to see more of an open wold. I am impressed with what has been shown in the trailer.
Credit for the story should more rightly go to FFXIV's writers, especially Natsuko Ishikawa. Her work on specific parts of FFXIV's story has been among the best in the series. It seems that Ishikawa won't be involved in FFXVI though. That may be a good or bad thing. We'll have to wait and see.
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