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Old 2020-09-18, 11:36   Link #39
Join Date: May 2010
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Originally Posted by Cosmic Eagle View Post
one of Aloe's harassers revealed himself on YT, gloating over her fall and is taking loads of heat for it. Now he asks people to leave him alone. What a dumb fuck

The mentality behind it all.....Like someone dissatisfied with his own achievements and having to prop himself up roleplaying some hero of social justice in getting rid of the "cheap filthy fallen idol" then implicitly support morally and legally questionable acts of harassment lmao

And Cover....Really Cover, they couldn't protect their own from a bunch of high school kids with an internet connection and too much free time. This damned company......
Without knowing the full detail of the situation. We don't know the extent of the harassment. It could another Hana Kimura situation for all we know. Not even Fuji TV manage to stop let alone start-up like Cover.

Regardless Cover seems learning form the situation and make statement about it already regarding talent harassment.

Also there is the theory of her might come back based on how cover didn't delete all her stuff and allow her fellow genmates to remember her. Unlike what happened to Koaru.

btw can you link me the YT video of the person. or at least some source link regarding to this person being harrasher?
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