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Old 2020-09-16, 10:21   Link #201
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Originally Posted by BloodyKitty View Post
Ever since I read this in the LN, it confirms one thing: Asuna would never be able to live alone without Kirito as shown by Star Queen's wish, but Star King Kirito can function without Asuna, and his protector role that he chose doesn't have anything to do with real world any more. He'd only help connect real world and Underworld if Star Queen Asuna is also copied with him, but this scenario is even less likely than other scenarios because Higa had so little time before others could realize what he was doing.

Tbh I personally cannot fathom a love where you would have no choice of careers or future for your own just to be with the one you love (I already wondered this when she didn't spare any second to agree to follow Kirito's career in America at the start of Alicization) and throw away your life if the person is not with you any more. It's fairy tale love in hindsight, but unhealthily obsessive on another. I would not blame anyone if you're interested to the trope in media, but as someone who had to watch Asuna from being a strong independant subleader in KoB turning into over-dependant love interest who would wish to die if the guy she loves is not with her, it's beyond disappointing.
I don't really see it that way. I mean, to this Asuna she's probably seen anyone else she had come to care about in the Underworld pass away while she's only had Kirito with her through those long 200 years.

I think the only reason Kirito can choose to wholeheartedly dedicate himself to protecting the Underworld is because he doesn't have anything else to live for with Asuna gone and he's willing to commit to doing things that Asuna probably wouldn't have or had advised him against had she still been alive.
Originally Posted by BloodyKitty View Post
That reason might suffice if the copied Kirito wished to be deleted too, but he didn't. He lived over 200 years in UW, he knew that he had a responsibility to live for. Asuna is also the Queen of that world in 200 years yet she didn't take that same responsibility, it's clear she doesn't give a shit about that world and only stayed there for Kirito. It's true for her overall characterization post-Aincrad, and it's disappointing to me all the same.
I mean, she was their queen, so I think she definitely felt some responsibility to them but she probably didn't think they would need to go to the extent that Kirito feels he has to being the last one left. Maybe she has faith in the real world to do right more than he does. She was as committed to saving them during the War as anyone was.

But Kirito even before the Underworld has always had an obsession with the ideal virtual world that Asuna didn't, so that probably colors his perspective a lot on why he feels he has to be personally involved like this.
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