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Old 2020-09-11, 16:45   Link #94
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2013
Poor Scavenger having to cover for themselves to not look like the bad guy to a Level 5 who could probably tear them apart again. Nice job lying through the skin of their teeth and using the relative truth to their advantage .

Leader's face when she realizes Misaki is involved with this .

I guess it wouldn't be an experience with a Level 5 without Leader peeing least it wasn't as bad this time as it was with Accelerator .

Mikoto ends up believing their with Judgement just because she flies off the handle and gets lectured on it by Kuroko, so she assumes it's the same with this group and Seike. Oh Mikoto, you gullible girl you .

Best way to get a bunch of thugs to listen to you? Pretend to be an innocent damsel in distress trying to save them and turn up the cuteness. Works like a charm .

I'm sure she probably has a reason for wearing it, but Leader looks much cuter without the mask .

Sure, they had to rely on achieving the bare minimum of their mission, but the Scavenger's actually managed to turn this into a win and get the heck out of dodge! Good for them .

It looks like we finally get some backstory on Leader, where her issue with "teachers" was that she was shunned and treated as unwanted by one, with her classmates doing the same thing. So having Mikoto show her some appreciation and care actually had some impact on her .

I was not expecting this to turn into a fight between Mikoto and a kaiju, but I am all here for it .
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