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Old 2020-09-06, 01:32   Link #171
Primary Consult
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Age: 40
Is anyone else feeling that this series has dropped the ball on believably the last two episodes? Up until now there were well defined rules and systems to explain literally everything, for example Alice's 'use up the spacial resources' plan made complete sense even on a technical level, Bercouli's battle was well explained, etc. But now we have a few things:
-Kirito getting a power up from everyone's thoughts? And if it was connecting Fluctlights to Kirito that added to his power (they should illustrate via lines connecting through the lightcube cluster if this was the case), how are the internet-connected players able to?
-Miller's team had several times been able to change FTL speed from 1000x to 1x and back for communication, all of a sudden they can't?
-Kayaba Akihiko appears seemingly out of nowhere, and also with a miraculous revival? At least have Kikuoka throw a wrench that hits and lodges in just the right spot, or something...

I feel overwhelmed with Deus Ex Machina right now, in that third case literally.

Kirito and Asuna flying only felt natural because someone here explained it a few pages back with missing book context... otherwise it would have been a fourth on my list.

Also a nitpick - for 3 cour of opening credit sequences they showed Alice's lightcube with number. They implied some importance to knowing the number when talking about releasing her cube earlier. Now we see the cube, no number, no mention of it at all. It's like they were building up to a satisfying scene where Asuna types it into the console and Alice logs out, but... nope.

One final thing: I'm really hoping they show whatever Asuna and Kirito did in Underworld for however many years...

Originally Posted by Frontier View Post
I thought Kirito overloading him with the spirits of all the Fluctlight's in the Underworld basically fried his brain. It wasn't as simple as just killing him and logging him out like when Bercouli killed him as Vector, he absorbed too much for his body to take.
I like this explanation... it reminds me of how Asuna knocked out those 1st floor jerks way back in SAO by simply hitting them rapidly with a knockback effect until they passed out "outside".
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