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Old 2020-09-05, 20:04   Link #170
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Originally Posted by GDB View Post
I'm just here trying to figure out why Miller died. Both he and Vassago had been "killed" previously and suffered no ill effects. Vassago's death makes sense, his soul was irreparably damaged and changed, and that was likely their way of showing what happens when a soul reaches its limit in the UW with a body in the real world.

But Miller? He just died a second time. Why would that have killed him?
I thought Kirito overloading him with the spirits of all the Fluctlight's in the Underworld basically fried his brain. It wasn't as simple as just killing him and logging him out like when Bercouli killed him as Vector, he absorbed too much for his body to take.

Just like Vassago did when he was stuck in the FTL longer than his brain could take.
Originally Posted by Magewolf View Post
Because this show is offensively stupid sometimes?

I mean does no one notice that the "good" guy side that just won are worse people than the "evil" mercenaries and have a much higher kill and torture count? And that a mass murdering psychopath just got the second biggest "Big Damn Hero" moment in the show?
As brutal as their fates may have been, I don't really see the need to lose any sleep over what happened to Miller or Vassago. I don't think that makes the bad guys side seem any more sympathetic.

This isn't the first time Kayaba's helped, and I'm assuming he took himself out to do it.
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