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Old 2020-08-14, 13:08   Link #33
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Interesting that they're re-framing these events around when Kuroko and Uiharu were having their precog adventures .

Saten's flipped Uiharu's skirt so much she can accurately predict what panties she's wearing without even doing it now .

Frenda loved mackerel before it was cool .

Saten and Frenda is a surprise pairing I wasn't expecting. Considering how absolutely different they are and how they're on completely opposite sides of Academy City, they get along surprisingly well. Saten makes a good straight-woman and rational contrast to Frenda's more spontaneous and ditzy self .

We never got to see Frenda and Hamazura interact much, so that was fun even if it was mostly Frenda just bossing Hamazura around. I wonder if Hamazura would have sneaked a peek under Frenda's skirt had he not been driving like his life depended on it. And still thinking of Bunny Girls I see .

The girl in the pink dress can see through any lie? I don't remember that coming up before, but I guess she never really had an opportunity...

We meet a new super-cute girl! Who turns out to be none other than Yumiya Rakko, the secret sniper of SCHOOL and whose ditzy cute girl persona appears to just be an act to make herself popular and an "idol," while she's in actuality a much more vicious and predatory individual. She's also apparently one of the girls who Mikoto appeared as when she was going through all those Indian Poker's, and Mikoto definitely undersold her bust size .

It looks like she has some kind of ability that lets her shoot projectiles from thin air with precision accuracy. I kind of have to wonder where she was during the Battle Royale, though maybe this will explain it ?

Speaking of Battle Royale, we have the setup for Kakine getting his weapon and Frenda running afoul of SCHOOL before she got...Frenda'd .

It's kind of surreal thinking this big fight is breaking out for no reason because Saten has a completely useless Indian Poker, but, hey, cute and dangerous girls fighting is always a treat .
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