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Old 2020-07-29, 10:09   Link #87
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Suddenly Subaru's reflexes and physical fitness make a lot more sense if that was his normal morning routine with his dad .

Subaru's parents are quite the characters. His dad is a lively, passionate, muscle-man who seems beloved by the community while his mom is a beauty, a bit spacey, and a little childish. But ultimately they both loved and cherished Subaru and never forced their own expectations upon him, realizing that he had to find himself in his own time and in his own way and knowing for sure that he would because they believed in him. Subaru truly came from a good home .

I would say Subaru is definitely half of both his parents, especially when he gets his hair and facial roundness from his dad, but the eyes and face of his mom .

So we finally see how Subaru ended up a shut-in. Having to live up to the expectations of being his father's son and not always being the best at everything caused him to act out to get attention, only for that to completely backfire in high school. It does explain a lot about his personality and how he's projected himself to others .

Man, if Subaru's parents had done half of what he wanted them to do, they would've been the worst parents either .

For as many bad things that have happened to Subaru after he'd been transported to another world, it had it's upsides. It gave him a chance to finally stand out as an individual away from his parents (even if he could ultimately never stop being their son in the ways that counted) and let him find love, people who love him, and true friends to cherish. In that regard it was this experience that helped Subaru truly become a man .

I guess this trial was all about facing your past regrets and moving on from them, so Subaru was pained every time he still tried to give up or face away from his mistakes. It makes me wonder what Emilia had to deal with .

Were those actual Light Novel posters in Subaru's room? I think I saw Kirin Todo from Asterisk War .

On the plus side, Subaru got to finally put to rest his regrets from his old life and reconcile his relationship with his parents, and get to properly say goodbye to his mom like he should have before it happened. He's probably still got plenty of time left in this other world, but I hope Subaru can eventually see his parents again properly .

Surprise Echidna in a school uniform! I guess she's going to be involved even more in the trial process than I expected .

The new Ending animation is pretty nice. It feels appropriate for the series and shows a lot of Echidna and her butterflies, possibly indicating the influence of her machinations in the lives of our beloved cast .
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