Thread: Milgram
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Old 2020-07-28, 12:08   Link #26
Cosmic Eagle
Join Date: Jan 2009
Originally Posted by shmaster View Post
Second song is up.

Why am I having this feeling that she doesn't have a boy friend from the start, but only dating an imaginary friend?
Got round to watching it. I get the feeling she's in her own imaginary world and is play acting to sate her loneliness.

The stairs resembled DNA double-helix + umblical , it suggests something to do with pregnancy. But I really do not think she had a boyfriend so is the pregnancy thing a hoax? Yet if it were why would Es have a bloody womb in their intro?

Commenters think she dated a sugar daddy and aborted a child who was accidentally conceived. What you think?

The results so far are on the "kill" instead of "forgive"......Screwed up IMO, when Haruka, who potentially killed his own grown sibling is given the "forgive" but who am I to judge otaku tastes? Now I am staunchly against abortion except in medical emergencies but it sure as hell isn't something that should be a capital offense. Then again I'm purely in the "if someone is effed up, you try to reform/ therapy him rather than kill him" camp. Think the result shows why unwanted children are such an issue in Japan because of the social stigma.

This is the first time the results disturb me far more than the actual thing, if only because the social attitudes it reflects promotes more broken families, abortions, mentally damaged children etc

EDIT: Also I see the Milgram webpage finally switched to https. Like, about time.

Last edited by Cosmic Eagle; 2020-07-28 at 12:25.
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