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Old 2020-07-11, 05:39   Link #27
Join Date: May 2015
Location: My House
After sort of fearlessly charging through his problems and all that stuff, Touma saying that he was scared was unsettling. Even with Othinus, his death wasn't something inevitable like this virus. He was going to die and he was frightened. Also
創約二巻にて、アンナの元へ向かおうとする上条に対し立ち塞がる。このとき病院の階段がカラフルに明滅した りと不思議な現象が起こった。満身創痍の上条に『藍花悦』を貸そうと迫ったが、上条はこれを拒否。早死にす るがいい、と捨て台詞を吐いてそこから立ち去った。自身の情報を徹底して隠す理由は依然として 不明である。
「直接戦闘に不向きな能力」、「恋査よりは便利」、「望む能力は? ぼくなら使えるようにはできます」(創約二巻)
This passage sort of tells us about Aihana. From what I've google translated
1. Aihana's ability is not suited for direct combat
2. Aihana's ability is more convenient then Measure Heart.
The last part is kind of ambiguous, and its a direct quote from Aihana himself. "What ability do you want? I can use it". Either this is referring to his assistance regarding St. Germaine or he might actually have another ability allowing him to use multiple abilities.
Rage is not unlike a blade.
Frequent use will make it dull and brittle; it's ill sheen reflecting the wielder's lost virtues and strength. Thus comes the saying that the ire of the calm, kind and gentle forges with vengful fire a fearsome bladed edge. Pray for those whose image reflects off it, for it may only stop through reconcilatory waters or icy voids of the end.
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