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Old 2020-07-02, 11:15   Link #84
Senior Guest
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Athens (GMT+2)
Age: 35
Reroll button was nice and all, but I barely got a job +1 SR weapon after three hours of rerolling. Some people took more than a day, missing today's colosseum just to roll 2 jobs + SR weapons.

Anyway, the game is pretty, with nice art, music and good voice acting, it's grindy but not TOO grindy; the newbie energy rush lasts until rank 30-ish. Still, it's an expensive game! €30 for a x11 roll is just too much, although maybe that's just how gacha games roll these days, I don't know.

Stage difficulty is variable, the first event is easy enough at first but scales hard on the last two verses. Story mode seeeeems okay, with only ch.5 and Alice 4-10 being super hard. I rolled a cleric job, got ~20k power and got rekt, so I'm not too sure what to make of it.

Gameplay: the targeting system is rigid. Everyone must finish acting before you can select a target, and that's really, really annoying. The class system + weapon grid is easy enough to get into, but weapons are not readily available, and you can't use dupes either, so now I know why people want to spend so much $$$ to quickly make a good deck. A guildie actually spent $400 to hit 40k on day 1, highest player I've heard of atm sits at 70k or so. IMO it's stupid because everyone knows about the incoming power creep, but whatever.

The game crashes a bit on stage rewards, lags somewhat too. Other than that, it's been fun so far.
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