Thread: Licensed Bungo Stray Dogs
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Old 2020-06-20, 19:37   Link #14
Mad Pierrot
Corrupted fool
Join Date: Nov 2012
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Age: 33
Originally Posted by wuhugm View Post
I started reading

And it's weird

The agency is always in comedy mode

Despite the mafia is actually killing people and always trying to kill the agency

But the agency just deal with them like Team Rocket in Pokemon

Always letting them go after they get knocked unconscious

So weird
If I recall well, the reason for this struggle is Atsushi. The government wants the Tiger but Dazai decided to take the kid under his wing and keep it a secret. Both the mafia and agency are forbidden from attacking each other so they aim to avoid causing a war in Yokohama. As to why the mafia wants Atsushi, that's actually explained in the second arc.

Still, something weird is that the light novels are also important to the point the anime started adapting them.
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