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Old 2020-05-01, 00:01   Link #15
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Join Date: Apr 2016
Originally Posted by Frontier View Post
Was Maaya Sakamoto supposed to be voicing those illustrations of Puck's "orders" that they kept flashing back to? I heard she was supposed to be in this but I don't recall hearing her at all watching the version on Crunchyroll. I'd like to think I'd recognize her voice .
CR got the theater version that didn't have it sadly.

Man, Emilia had it rough even before Subaru had to keep preventing her death. Living on her own in a forest of eternal snow, having to take care of her frozen people, getting by on scraps of food, shunned and feared just for how she looks, and with a power she sometimes can barely control. On-top of all that, she has as little idea what's going on as Subaru does. And in-spite of all that she is still such a diligent, upright, and heroic girl no matter how many people shun and belittle her. It's not easy being Emilia.
Yep, her life was similar to Felt, but worse.

Did Emilia's powers go haywire and freeze everyone in her village? She seemed to get some flashbacks to the other elves before they were frozen. She was apparently exempt because she caused it and Satella needed her for a new body, I guess? I'm really curious about the exact nature of her birth, and Satella's involvement, and who her parents are. One of them had to have been some kind of royalty to qualify her for the royal selection .
She ended up being frozen too tho and she only got out because Puck freed her. So that's unlikely.

So the elves were involved in some kind of demihuman war that ended with them as second class citizens? Was Satella involved at all? Is the village Emilia is taking care of the last of the elves ?
The civil war the OVA is referring to one that happen 40 years before the main story. Re:Zero Ex 2 deals with that.

Melaquera? Is he some kind of ominiscient world defense system against the possibility of Satella being revived or the effect of Emilia's powers? I wonder if they really destroyed him or if he still exists in some form? Not that I'd try to remember him like Emilia did .
Sadly the OVA cut some context behind him including his backstory. He's one of 4 Great Spirits of world who holds the seat of fire. He's just powerful spirit like Puck.

Incidentally also left out of the OVA, Puck became the Great Spirit of Fire after defeating him.

Puck intimidating a crime boss into giving up one of his goons was surreal, but awesome. Almost as surreal and awesome as snowboarding Emilia .
Yeah, people who know who he is tend to freakout lol

So from the sounds of Puck's original orders, the closer he gets to Emilia the more he loses his sense of self and his memories? We haven't seen much of that now but I guess Puck probably wouldn't show it even if it was effecting him. He cares about Emilia that much .
Yep. He's definitely affect, but that only made clear in the epilogue which wasn't adapted.

I honestly think Subaru's biggest rival/obstacle for Emilia's Puck. I mean, yeah, he's her "Father," but he managed to get Emilia to say "I love you" and Subaru could only hope to match the level of dedication and absolute love Puck holds for Emilia .
lmao, he really doesn't have worry about Puck tho

It was nice to see the OVA end with Subaru and the gang greeting Emilia, showing how far Emilia and Puck have come since then and that Emilia has found other people who cherish and support her. Subaru may not be Puck, but he does know how to make Emilia happy and to say the right thing every once in a while .
Indeed! It also recontextualizes what Emilia said during their reconciliation at end of S1 and even their argument in ep 13. Not to mention small things like how she avoided people as much as she could.
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