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Old 2020-03-13, 09:57   Link #43
The Green One
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2010
Man the hysterics about this are just crazy. Not saying it's not important to be careful and practice safe hygiene and all that good stuff for avoiding illness in the first place, but this "ZOMG I gotta buy up six months worth of spam and water and hide in my bunker!" is just crazy. What're you going to do? Hide at home? Cut off all human contact? Not breathe outside air? Even hear fear mongering on the radio driving to work. Yes you should be cautious about the virus but christ people grow up and act like responsible adults. Not hysterical children.

Edit: It shouldn't need to be said, but hedging my bets. This isn't directed to anyone in this thread. This is commentary about people in general I've observed these past weeks.
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