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Old 2020-03-13, 00:01   Link #38
Index III was a mistake
Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Sydney, Australia
Age: 32
Originally Posted by ramlaen View Post
China, or more specifically the CCP, is actively trying to gaslight the origin of Coronavirus because of their role in it becoming a worldwide pandemic.
It's irrelevant what the Chinese government says about its origin as there's more than enough evidence on their initial f*ck up in allowing the virus to initially spread and in censuring doctors. Their authoritarianism is very similar to the worst right wing governments in the world in that respect.

That said, their response has still been profound: COVID-19: Study says placing Wuhan under lockdown delayed spread by nearly 80%

And September would be much faster than normal for a new vaccine to reach the public, the point being made is that one or more vaccines have been developed in less than a month.
September would be if everything went right. Far too optimistic.
That vaccine will probably be widely available in 2021 or 2022 if the testing phase doesn't go well.

Yes, the development of a vaccine this quick is great in the long term. But we're buggered in the short term given how badly the West has been handling this.


Additionally, a decent video explaining the mathematics of epidemics (with a spotlight on COVID-19):

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