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Old 2020-02-22, 12:28   Link #72
The Unpronounceable
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Clock Tower
Originally Posted by GDB View Post
Way to try to completely stifle discussion and turn a one-off comment into an argument.

Good lord, it was a mere observation that I didn't understand, and still don't understand because the cost/resources are so abysmally low compared to actually E2ing said unit. I mean, you yourself said it costs a ton to E2 them. So why would you E2 someone and then just... not even given them basically free stat ups?
I've already provided several theories, and Eisdrache already provided his reason, so if you still don't understand, then let's just agree to let it be.

And I wasn't trying to turn it into arguments, merely pointing out that it depends on personal opinion.

Moving on, how's the banner treating you all so far? First 600 orignium got me Lappland,so I think I'll refrain from rolling for a while since that probably cost me months of gacha luck. (That and I'm saving for Shining's Summer skin Kal'tsit)
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