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Old 2020-02-01, 10:32   Link #27
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: In my room
Even if Kamachi moved the timeline further it probably won't help that much. biribiri would still be biribiribiribiribibiri touman and touman would still save a girl, just by walking on the street and when he comes home, he needs to feed his pet nun.

Though to be honest, I want to know the colleges in toaru. Kamachi hasn't expanded that much on what happen after the students graduates? where does the modified children go after graduating in college? and where do they settle after?

what happens next?

I don't remember Kamachi writing a convenient plot device that after teenage years, someone someway their power would begone after it or if some contrived plot device that only girls can have that power and after becoming non-v they would lose such power.
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