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Old 2020-01-30, 22:01   Link #23
Join Date: Aug 2017
this seems to be a problem with many author on syosetu, i mean youd think having a purpose for your mc would be n1 when writing a story(unless you throw him into an already moving plot and only then making him choose sides) but instead author are more concerned with showing off how amazing the skill/powers/equipement(here) they got and how they use it,

had he joined the millitary heroine it might have oppened new roads for the author to explore,or he could have focused on the politics of this universe and made it more complexe, instead the scifi element is just there for no reason it seems, show me different civilisations with different rules and traditions, and make the mc interaction with them either beneficial or harmfull, you could do so much with the setting but the author seems(fromhis other works as well) to want to go lightheared and is fairly mediocre at exploring his settings
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