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Old 2020-01-05, 11:36   Link #9
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Austria
Originally Posted by Kanon View Post
I don't know the name of the theme, but when it started playing at the beginning of the episode, I felt really nostalgic.

I associate this theme so much with Madoka herself, that rather than feeling nostalgic, I felt like it was a bit of a cop-out. They could have made something in a similar style, instead of just re-using the track (the way the new girl's character design is a variation on Madoka's basic type, but different enough to be her own character). Because of that, I spent a little time more wary than I needed to be.

I feel that overall the show did pretty well treading the line between reference and creating its own identity, but sometimes it's a little clumsy, ridng its own clichés. But some of the shots are awesome, and the way they handled background and foreground events during the girls' conversation on the train was excellent and worthy of the original series. This is better than I thought it would be, but not quite good enough to fully convince me.

Definitely good, though, at least so far.
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