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Old 2020-01-04, 22:33   Link #8
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2008
Trump Threatens Attacks On A Symbolic 52 Iranian
Targets If Tehran Strikes Back:

"Since the targeted assassination of Iranian Quds Force commander Qasem Soleimani
just two days ago, the rhetoric between Washington D.C. and Tehran has taken a
massive turn for the worse. Now, with Iran indicating that it is looking to exact a
major toll on the U.S. over Soleimani's death in the coming days and weeks, U.S.
President Donald Trump has drawn a red line that will be nearly impossible to step
back from if the Iranians do decide to act."

"The message adopts a tone similar to what we hear from actors such as Iran when it
references symbology with the targeting plan and the inclusion of cultural sites that
are important to the Iranian people, which are symbolic by there very nature. It is
important to note that what Trump is describing could be a war crime, depending on
the exact nature of the targets he is talking about. Deliberately striking targets with
no military value is prohibited under the Geneva Conventions. At the same time, his
message puts forward a crystal clear warning as to what will result from any
significant reprisal.

Regardless, some will cheer this as being as tough as possible on Iran and talking in
terms of strength that some say is the only language they understand. At the same
time, it does set up an inflexible situation that would likely lead to an all-out war if
Iran forces Trump's hand. In other words, we are in the realm of brinksmanship of the
highest level now."

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