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Old 2019-10-12, 13:32   Link #88
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Join Date: Aug 2013
The Opening is definitely a departure from other Fate anime but I liked it. It's a very peppy and dynamic song, and the visuals were paired very well with it .

We also get to see what looks like the Three Goddesses Alliance and...the King of Mages? Plus Rin fighting our heroes ?

Ah, so that wasn't actually Enkidu? Or did the King of Mages resurrect him as a Servant to assist the Goddess Alliance? If he's a true fake, I don't see Gilgamesh reacting well to him .

Merlin!? Didn't expect to see him turn up, and this is the guy who helped turn Arturia into King Arthur. Although they portray him as such a useless cad who likes to stir things up that I have to wonder what he was like when interacting with her back then .

Poor Romani was so disilussioned. Him and Da Vinci taking turns sipping coffee while watching Merlin be Merlin was pretty amusing though .

Ana looks so much like F/SN Rider/Medusa that I thought it might've been a loli version of her for a second. I wonder who she really is? Maybe the scythe is a clue...she's really cute though, in an awkward and snarky kind of way .

So we've got a Caster, and...I dunno what Ana is, she doesn't seem like a Rider...Lancer or Assassin? I wonder if that helmet guy in the Opening is Berserker, Japanese swordswoman is either Saber/Assassin, spear guy seems like he's definitely Lancer .

So this is what Gilgamesh was like in his prime as king. He actually seems to do a pretty reasonable job at it, despite expectations from his more antagonistic role in past entries and how Merlin described him. Not a single "mongrel" was uttered, even! Of course, he's still too busy to spend time talking with our protagonists, so they've got to fight him .

The Ending is typical still shots of the cast in various moments while ending on Ritsuka and Mash, but they were very pretty still shots .
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