Thread: Licensed + Crunchyroll Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator - Anime Discussion
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Old 2019-09-27, 22:38   Link #62
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Okay, I get Esther's complicated feelings for Hirumi, but falling for that trick again after everything really was just kind of stupid .

Wow, Misaka sister and Houtou sure jumped in to help Esther stab Isaac in a very jarringly framed scene .

For a finale of a show centered around Accelerator, it really felt like he did the bare minimum up until he needed to bring out his true power to quell the blast...but I guess this was Esther's battle to win .

So some remnant of Hirumi's soul really was still in there, enough to send off both Esther and her brother with a smile .

Shame about her body completely vanishing, but I guess she'd been ridden around like a zombie for all this time and mutated into a monster that it's not all that surprising...

I guess Hishigata died there? The remains were technically Hirumi, and he saved his sister's soul, so it was fitting enough an end for him to die there. Although Esther technically killed him, right ?

I wouldn't be surprised if that dude on the train ends up becoming more and more embroiled with Accelerator moving forward .

Yeah...Yomikawa is probably better off not looking too deeply into the Sisters. For her own sake .

Nurse Misaka Clone! Nice to see that there are more Sisters who have a thing for Accelerator .

You can tell Accelerator cares enough about Esther, or at least feels she deserves better, to push her to be a Hero and live in the light when he feels the complete opposite for himself. She's felt like such a part of this series that it's weird to think of her off on her own, but I guess just like with returning Houtou, some things just have to be done ...

Accelerator can't relax for a minute, huh? And they're already teasing the next arc, although I feel it might be a while if/when we ever see that adapted. Looks like we can look forward to drones and...a princess ?
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