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Old 2019-08-19, 23:43   Link #19
Join Date: Jan 2017
Location: A city with a small mountain in the middle
In other news, the highlight of the weekend was the estimated presence of 1,7 million people who defied government orders to protest.

Hong Kong protests: Huge crowds rally peacefully (BBC)
Hongkong: 1,7 million de manifestants ce dimanche selon les organisateurs (Le Figaro - French)

Make those what you will, but the footage shows a crowd around the size of the one at Barack Obama's inauguration. The authorities can't fool anybody with their own estimated figure.

Also, Twitter has gone to war against the Chinese version of the Troll Farm by removing 936 accounts and suspending around 200,000 accounts that were found illegitimate.

Twitter and Facebook crack down on accounts linked to Chinese campaign against Hong Kong

If only Twitter used that same algorithm against white supremacists to such great effect...

Last edited by Toukairin; 2019-08-20 at 00:11.
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