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Old 2019-07-17, 22:23   Link #5
Join Date: Jan 2017
Location: A city with a small mountain in the middle
Damn, someone must have serious issues somewhere.

Originally Posted by Infinite Zenith View Post
I wouldn't presume to suppose that it's an unhappy fan: I know that a lot of folks (even here) hated Kyoto Animation and some of their titles with every fibre of their being, but it's the height of stupidity and ignorance to torch a studio because of one's thoughts on their work. We'll have to wait and see what the cops say; for now, I just hope that casualties are minimal.
I will also wait to see what the investigation says, but that's arguably the lowest of the low for anybody to torch such a company for whatever reason. Considering that the fire happened when people worked in there, that person is a serious nutcase for starters.

That fool better get ready for a long time in jail because he will sit in there for a while.
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