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Old 2019-07-17, 00:35   Link #98
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Chapter 3 part 3 is nothing but Prove that Bros > Girls
Damn Accel TsunTsun (Touma #1 Fan) moment is awesome, and he want to keep from Touma that he is the Academy City Superintendent for now, don't want Hamazura to spoil it. He also glad that Toumabeing more selfish because if he keep selfless he would be disappointed at Touma. Accel also jelous Touma tried to grab his personal demon so he threw him, but Kamijou survived and Accelerator quite surprised at the fact he get hit. Touma himself surprised he still Okay after all of that

And Is that Kamachi way to redeem Hamazura cause it's not enough for me. He pretty much get out without consequences

Still It's interesting what the color will play in this part We have Sky Blue, Lemon Yellow, Shocking Pink and Emerald. They gotta mean something. If so far Dion explained it from Magic Side of things, we gotta use Science. Art in a sense can be considered as part of science. Anyone find the meaning of those 4 colors so far?

The fact Touma still kept his personality despite the changes he experiences in NT9/NT10 tell me there's part of it that attracted IB to be with him, we can't say for sure both Touma have whole IB, just part of them (according to Dion explanation)

There's also the fact Othinus used IB as core to recreate world and unknowingly released some formula that not exist in old world.

Part 4, the Suit Touma finally gave the other people that kept using Touma some kind of lesson, quite an irony I would say~

Part 5, Feel sorry for Misaki. How long she must suffer. Meh Touma already suffered in hand of Othinus A LOT, I just hope there's some way to redeem her actions

Between lines is interesting because there's some new mysteries added to Index and we have lots of them unsolved yet.

Last edited by WiliamZ0; 2019-07-17 at 05:03.
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