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Old 2019-07-14, 04:41   Link #67
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Originally Posted by Chosen_Hero View Post
4. Yes, yes he did, but that was before Toumas' brain and memories got nuked to oblivion by Dragons Breath. Those words only apply to pre memory wipe Touma who could have had some chance of remembering something due to those memories still being there somewhere, not for post wipe Touma.

Pre memory wipe Touma had memories to possibly at some point get back.

Post memory wipe Touma doesn't have any memories to get back.

Now with that said, considering that in the current volume Touma was "completely destroyed" there are two things that could end up happening and a whole mess of consequences to will follow, I will list a few:

1. Pre memory wipe Touma returns with his body and his brain fixed due to his new body and somehow with his old memories intact and Imagine Breaker will have disappeared from his hand.

2. Post memory Touma returns as he currently is, except without IB.

3. Both pre memory wipe Touma and post memory wipe Touma return, only one of them can have IB.

4. Both return but neither has IB.

5. Both return but one has IB and the other has control over the IT or the dragons.

6. Both return, one has IB while the other one has IT and the dragons are released onto the world.

7. Both return, one has IB while the other has the dragons and IT is unleashed upon the world.

8. He is dead for good.

These are the ones that I could come up with on the spot.

If there is ANY point in the series where Kamachi can pull off some bullshit excuse/reason for Touma getting his memories back or at least some of them it will be in this or next volume with his "reincarnation".[/SPOILER]
Originally Posted by Chosen_Hero View Post
Inb4 That's either some sort of hallucination Touma is having or is trapped in, or (my personal favorite) that there are now two him, pre memory wipe Touma (with his original memories up until he lost them but nothing after) and post memory wipe Touma (with all of his memories from after the wipe up until the current volume) but no one knows about it (Index gets knocked out or something during the ending of the last volume and doesn't see anything) and we spend the entire volume trying to figure out which Touma we are following while the other one skulks around as a shadowy figure trying to get others on his side to try and stop the "impostor".
... I can't believe how close I was with my theories.

So this Touma is definitely confirmed to be some sort of monster that happens to have taken Toumas' form (maybe IT itself) and it is something that is similar to Kazakiri Hyoka in nature... Maybe another artificial angel (or demon) that was locked in his hand or something.

My guess is that this fake Toumas' objective is the 103,001 grimoires, especially now that the controllers for pendex are gone.
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