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Old 2019-06-25, 16:41   Link #57
Born to ship
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Texas
Originally Posted by Chosen_Hero View Post
I was literally implying that there is one (read it again), but that we don't know that Trash comes from that country specifically, unless you happen to have knowledge from beyond the anime.
Why does he have to be from a demi-human supremacist country? When war happens one can expect atrocities by the neighboring country's people on one's own land. And these atrocities very quickly can lead to prejudice and grudges against anyone whose ancestry would associate them with said individuals as well as anyone or anything the individuals identify as their cause. Just think of the hate some developed toward Islam and Muhammed following 9/11. Most of the hate came from people in America who'd never set foot in a Middle Eastern country, much less spent significant time in an area controlled by such extremists. Same thing here: if there was a war it wouldn't be surprising for many people on both sides to have lost loved ones to attacking armies.

And as for the heroes continuing to fall behind, all I can say is that they seem to still be pretty much the same as they were before. They may have realized a few truths that were hard to take, but their viewpoints don't seem to have shifted quite yet. Their meeting in itself kind of shows how blind they are to the idea that anyone else could be right. Yeah, I could see the argument that they're exaggeratedly behind and this makes Naofumi's party look good (or his party's growing at an exaggerated level making the others look bad) but honestly this isn't some silly fairy tale where the moment they realize they'd made a mistake they immediately change and overcome the problems that caused said mistake. It's more of the sort of realist, even cynical type of story where even if they accept their mistakes they're reluctant to accept responsibility and even more reluctant to accept that they need to actually change.
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