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Old 2019-06-19, 11:03   Link #3
Let's play a game!
Join Date: Sep 2006
Motoyasu, looking quite heroic standing on the prow of the ship. The other three heroes seem to have gotten over their seasickness, but Ren is strangely terrified, gripping the mast? Strange.

That's some amazingly fast deployment of the fleet, Queen. A full day trip to sail to the island, completed in less than two days, when the prior ship was noted as taking a while to ship out (all the other heroes rushed to the ship, and then spent a bunch of time waiting for it to leave).

Naofumi even comments on it, but it's just handwaved away.

They even managed to evacuate the islands in that time period? As someone who's been through a few hurricanes, even with modern transportation, this really strains suspension of disbelief. But then I go through the same thing with other tech, so, meh.

OK, on the one hand, we kinda knew from the OP that the Wave was going to be at sea. On the other, I find it odd that they're convinced that the Wave will occur at sea, rather than on the islands. After all, they evacuated all the residents from there.

Wow, those archers had some truly crappy CGI.

Firin' mah lazers! Big shark-narwhal monster as the initial threat.

Meteor tier attacks didn't hurt the thing at all, but a harpoon gun did? .... That doesn't feel like something that leveling up should affect.

And L'arc can do massive damage to the critter? Honestly, it feels like they're deliberately gimping the other heroes at this point. We know they were higher level than Naofumi's party to start with, by a good 20 levels at least. If Naofumi's party gained ~35 levels, there is no way the other heroes shouldn't have gained enough to reach a similar level (given that Naofumi noted that the gain rate slowed down after level 70). It's fine if they want to shine the spotlight on others for now, but it still feels cheap.

However! I have to say, that fight with L'arc and Therese was really good. And it looks like the final episode is the big fight with Glass.
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