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Old 2019-06-09, 19:43   Link #6
User of the "Fast Draw"
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Originally Posted by Kurohane View Post
^ I'm not sure what you mean by traditional but wasn't Jude and Milla just two games ago, three if we count the sequel as it's own separate thing.

It's just the first trailer. Namco isn't going to show their whole hand. Just going with the basics in hindsight was for the best in hindsight due to the leak.

It looks like Xenoblade 2 inspired this at least with the "pulling out the weapon from the main female character" part... or Guilty Crown... or other anime that had that same concept. Those right now are the easiest to come to mind. I'm glad we finally have news of next Tales of game. After Berseria, the company has been rather silent.
I'm kind of glad they took that sort of approach though. Stay quiet until you are within a year or so of being ready to release the game. I always expected another Tales game to show up and it coming out about 3 years or so after Berseria made sense time-wise.

I am glad they revealed it and that the wait isn't too nuts. Now just have to look forward to next year. Regardless of the exact inspiration, I hope the concept works well in the game.
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