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Old 2019-06-05, 15:24   Link #12
Let's play a game!
Join Date: Sep 2006
Stat time!

HP: 487 → 975
MP: 458 → 917
Attack: 225 → 450
Magic Attack: 218 → 436
Defense: 171 → 343
Magic Defense: 213 → 427
Speed: 241 → 482

HP: 651 → 1202
MP: 303 → 507
Attack: 360 → 620
Magic Attack: 218 → 326
Defense: 276 → 452
Magic Defense: 196 → 292
Speed: 357 → 625

Raphtalia's stats all doubled, while Filo's went up by between 50% and 75%. Filo had started off much higher than Raphtalia in everything except MP. Raphtalia's starting to catch up, but still has a way to go.

Still, the difference in stats is stark enough that it shows why people would be surprised by their performance while they still hadn't performed the Class Up. Even I'm surprised, really. I guess if they'd managed their Class Up before the previous Wave (which happened at a point where the rest of the other heroes' team members had had their Class Up), they could have taken the Soul Eater down fairly easily without the Iron Maiden. Doubling their stats should have changed it from a struggle to a cake walk.

... Did Mirelia just have a Darkness moment?

Spear girl from Itsuki's team is talking to some cloaked figure (probably the mage on Itsuki's team), while Malty sneaks out the back.

Drunk axe guy spouting off. In the background, many of the other team members. Left to right:

Fencer and Dancer from Motoyasu's team. Thief and Bearded Axe from Ren's team. Witch from Motoyasu's team. Wizard and Monk from Ren's team.

Basically, all of Ren's and Motoyasu's team members, aside from (possibly) Bitch (if she's still allowed to be on Motoyasu's team). None of Itsuki's team members.

And fighting in the party room.

Motoyasu's Fencer vs Itsuki's Spear. (While Filo snacks in the background. Filo knows what's important!)

Both Raphtalia and Mustache Knight (Itsuki) are being held down. Rather appropriate. Poor girl that was trying to help Raphtalia. No stopping the chaos.

Green Braid being chased across screen — although her face model is really wonky. It's like 20% larger than it should be for her body size. Or maybe it's just her arms that are too small.

Spear (Itsuki) vs Thief (Ren), and Fencer (Motoyasu) vs Monk (Ren) in the background.

Who's throwing pies???!! Filo will kick them!


Wish I could read what he was doing with the Soul Eater Shield. I assume it's him boosting all of his shields based on what he learned from the other three.

Keel is still wearing Raphtalia's bracelet. While it's certainly touching, part of me still wants the stat boost back for Raphtalia. >.>

The quick pan over the people waiting at the ship made it so that you'd have to go frame-by-frame to see who was waiting. Bitch wasn't part of the lineup. Green Braid was part of Itsuki's group, and was the only one sitting down, looking rather tired. I'd also say that Spear from Itsuki's team had a kind of amused smug look on her face, but since they're all low-res sketches, that might just be me projecting.

Last edited by Kinematics; 2019-06-05 at 19:15.
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