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Old 2019-06-05, 10:44   Link #3
Born to ship
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Texas
Well, some things don't change so easily. Kind of makes sense, even if people find it annoying that they're "still" like this. People don't just change because they hear they should. And anyway, from the way it's presented it's clear that none of the three were really lying. Most likely each of the games in their respective worlds were built differently, resulting in various subtle differences in mechanics. For instance, rather than try to include three or more different systems for measuring and increasing weapon power, each game probably just chose one path and ran with it. As demonstrated with Naofumi "unlocking" the copy system when he took a shot and believed it must exist, each of them neither knew nor believed any system could exist besides their own since this was "their" world, and so the other systems remained locked. In short, the big problem is that all three are still clinging to the idea that they're inside their games, or a world based on it, and the idea that anything could be different from the game they know is ludicrous.
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