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Old 2019-05-29, 19:46   Link #31
Let's play a game!
Join Date: Sep 2006
Oh, and speaking of the (former) king's family, and his grudge against the former Shield Hero, that gives us a little bit better idea of how long apart these calamities happen.

I would estimate the king to be between 50 and 60 years old. His hair is fully grey, which is rare below 40, and common by 60. While he's clearly old, he doesn't look aged in the post-60 sense. And he married into royalty, which means it's not unlikely that he was older than the queen when they married.

50 seems the easiest baseline to work from. That means he was around 30 when Mein was born, and thus he married the queen not too long before that. He might be as old as 60, but various factors suggest that that's unlikely (eg: his age when marrying and when Malty was born, the strength of his grudge, his physical fitness, etc).

Meanwhile, his trauma with the shield hero involved his former family. I would guess that this happened when he was somewhere between 10 and 20. Below 10 and it's harder to remember that trauma. Above 20, and the trauma is less likely to hit as hard, and be a life-long grudge.

So, baseline puts the previous Shield Hero at 30-40 years ago, with maybe a 5 year margin of error. That puts the overall time at 25-45 years ago.

So my vague conclusion is that the Waves happen every couple generations (~40 years).
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