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Old 2019-05-29, 13:04   Link #11
Kana Hanazawa ♥
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: France
Age: 37
The explanation for the Queen's absence was about what expected, and it really didn't hold up. What exactly was she doing to quell the other nations' anger? How was whatever she was doing more effective than just rushing back to Melromarc as quickly as possible to punish the King and dispatch the heroes to the nations that were supposed to get them? From my perspective, she spent months sitting on her ass because the plot required it. And once the author had decided Naofumi had suffered enough and it was time for him to get even with his enemies, she was allowed to appear to magically set everything right.

Myne showed how shameless she is in this episode. She knew she couldn't lie yet still tried countless times instead of admitting her guilt. Then she begged the man she had wronged for mercy.

Stripping her and Trash of their status and renaming is fine and all, but my understanding is that they aren't even going to be imprisoned? If they didn't want to kill them, having them rot away in a cell seemed like the next logical solution. Naofumi is just asking for further trouble here. Humiliating them like that is just going to make want to get revenge even more.

While he was it, Naofumi should have asked the Queen to rename the other three heroes "the three idiots". Damn, they're dumb.
Rize and Kaneki
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