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Old 2019-05-25, 01:42   Link #41
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Formerly Iwakawa base and Chaldea. Now Teyvat, the Astral Express & the Outpost
Age: 44
If anything, the last couple of episodes reminds us why a good adaptation is good at enhancing the qualities of a story while toning down its flaws, while a average or mediocre or bad adaptation just makes the flaws more jarring. Not sure how many people were in charge of that task but this arc just fell short compared to the first ones.

I keep maintaining what I said about Shield Hero from when I read the manga. Its a alright story that suffer from the syndrome of the First Work of an Author. And it would have gained much more to give us the PoV of the other Heroes. Like I needed to read the manga to understand that Itsuki is just self-righteous with a vigilante mentality, instead of the yes-man he came up as in the first episode. Only Ren appeared as the better of the trio.
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