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Old 2019-05-22, 22:06   Link #22
Let's play a game!
Join Date: Sep 2006
So, is the queen's armor the same model that Malty got Naofumi to buy for her back in ep 1? That's either a cheap bit of reused design, or a nod to Malty's designs on the throne from day 1. She's even still wearing that armor right now.

Pope's full name is Bisca T. Balmus. Bisca T ⇒ Biscuit. Biscuit got nommed.

5 1/2 minutes of Naofumi being possessed by Rage. While I can appreciate the intent, it really doesn't translate well into video form. Written form handles extended time periods much better (including the pause-for-dialog bits in this and last episode) because you're not really "on the clock" while reading. Video makes it much more apparent.

I'm also not entirely sure I buy into the justification for Raphtalia, Filo and Melty trying to pull Naofumi back, right after he got their agreement to allow him to use the rage shield. This is one where I wish there was more outside perspective to show what motivated them to suddenly change their minds.

Really liked Naofumi saying "please", and getting a "friendship will prevail" line from Motoyasu. Feels like Naofumi really learned a lesson this time, and took Fitoria's words to heart. Also shows the real heroic underpinnings of Motoyasu, setting aside the fool persona for a bit.

The actual fight being backed by the first OP was solid. Loved the bit about absorbing the Phoenix Blaze in a combo spell with Filo — a new move that fit Naofumi's fighting style, and tipped a hat towards Filo's gluttony.

Queenie used 'Dritte' level magic — "third" in German, in line with Erst (first) and Zweit (second). Respect, girl.
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