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Old 2019-05-22, 18:55   Link #16
Born to ship
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Texas
Originally Posted by Frontier View Post
"...and Melty." Ouch. I know Malty is terrible, but it's got to hurt that your own mother seems to prioritizes or cares more about your sister then you. Not that Malty doesn't deserve it, and Melty is next in line, but it still must sting .
One must bear in mind that Mommy has known Malty for her entire life, and that Malty's behavior has apparently been bad enough to warrant her having her authority and position as heir stripped from her. One must also bear in mind that the Shadows have been watching a fair amount of the events leading to this point and reporting to the queen. In short, Malty dug her own grave there.

I thought they were better here then in the last episode where they had such a long, drawn out, hashing out in front of the Pope. They felt brief enough here amidst all the Pope's attacks to be believable for me, in my opinion.
Wholly agree there. Definitely better than the last episode. I'd still love it if they did the Shield of Wrath parts better though. I mean, this corrupting power and loved ones bringing him back has been done before, and far better. One big thing is all the good portrayals I've seen put a main focus on an external view. Show his actual transformation and his comrades' desperate struggles to cling to him and free him even if it means suffering a curse themselves. Showing the inner dialog is ok too, but the external action needs to take precedence as that's where the action is.
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