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Old 2019-05-15, 21:41   Link #33
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2011
It's a lot easier to coordinate when you make plans together. You know, DPS and Tank discussing things before the match. Not, Tank and Healer talk about how they're going to watch each others backs while your other strongest assets are off in a corner, because like it or not they are obstinantly stronger than his own party.

To put it bluntly, none of what happened to him does matter at the moment. The biggest issue here is that the guy trying to kill all of them is getting ready to nuke them to oblivion and the time he spent running his mouth off to lecture them could have been spent coordinating an assault. When you can't prioritize the immediate threat over the less important crap, you pretty much are asking for the beating that's coming as far as I'm concerned.

Yeah, he did protect them at the end, but only after he went on a big speech about how he was sick of cleaning up their messes, when he actually already covered that twice (he literally told those two the issues they caused the last time he saw them before the split) when they have bigger issues (aka the Pope). Fitioria would kill him if even one of the heroes died in this battle because of the bickering, and I would have said he had it coming because he couldn't put off his need to be right.

I wouldn't give him as much flak (only some, because him calling them as bad as the pope was just bull) if they'd postponed it or at least not retread the same ground as before, especially when they could have ended this fight much earlier and gotten to clearing everything up in the aftermath.

Last edited by Twi; 2019-05-15 at 21:56.
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