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Old 2019-05-15, 19:59   Link #28
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2011
What I want to bring to attention here is Naofumi's reluctance to help out and instead plan things out with his party since he's confident they can survive without the other three heroes help...

The issue here is that it's all bull because he knows that if any of them die, Chocobo Queen is going to kill all the remaining heroes. He knows this, yet he decides he's just going to talk crap and get them fighting amongst themselves...

Right in front of the enemy who is going to kill them all, giving them a chance to power up. They paused the action just so that he could lecture them. I get he might not like the thought of working with them, but when the enemy is holding a tactical nuke to their face the timing is off. The Pope even calls them out on this. Rightfully so.

Worse, Naofumi's been spewing a load of hot air when you consider his lecture about how his party could match Motoyatsu's last episode was because they trained harder. Last I checked, he's still underleveled and his party literally just copied a technique they stole from Motoyatsu's. One that Spear's party worked towards, only for the girls on Naofumi's party to get it in one-shot in order to one up his.

He didn't train to get that.

This is the exact moment in the manga, which they toned down to still come out looking bad, that I saw that huge flaw that Naofumi has to be right even if it doesn't make sense. Ren leaving that dragon alone? The people had time to get rid of it and were profiting off it. That's on them, there wasn't a clean-up request. Spear at least has the excuse of being too stupid to live but too strong to die, but he can't just criticize them for being treated better than him and call them lazy or not taking it seriously. Especially not when it doesn't make sense, given that them working together wouldn't have gotten the Soul Eater out faster since none of them would know to target the shadow.
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