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Old 2019-05-15, 17:11   Link #21
Les Pays Bass
Join Date: Jun 2011
waited 19 weeks for this. And yet, I feel the impact of knowing the truth wasn't enough. The three heroes now all bickered with each other about naofumi being framed yet not taking responsibility for their actions that have snowballed this misunderstanding to what it is now. And motoyasu has the gall to do a 180 and act like he's on the right side. this dude was gonna kill naofumi, and now acts like nothing happened. It doesn't help that all the characters still act like it's supposed to be humorous and ultimately undermine what is supposed to be a serious situation. fuck all these guys, man.

After this whole battle is over, let's see how it plays out. This episode was a start in the right direction, but it's not enough for me for naofumi to be vindicated and everyone getting their just desserts.
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