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Old 2019-05-08, 22:08   Link #24
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Join Date: Aug 2013
That look Fitoria gave Filo. "Did I just make the next queen of our race the Shield Hero's horse?" .

It's nice to see that Melty's traveling with Naofumi and seeing what he has to go through has shifted her perspective on things. No need to save face or cause yourself trouble when you can just avoid it all together . feels like he's kind of stuck in "main character" mode where he's so convinced he's the hero and has these trustworthy companions (because that's what all heroic heroes have) that everything in his life has to fit around that kind of binary, black/white, perspective. I guess from that angle, and from the fact that he's obviously being manipulated and lied too, I can sympathize with him a little. But at the same time he comes off so foolish and self-righteous that it's really hard to want anything more then for Naofumi to sock him in the jaw or Filo to kick him in the balls again .

Naofumi and his party vs. Motoyasu and his party was pretty cool, and we got see more of Motoyasu's party not named Myne do stuff (although dancer girl didn't really do any dancing...). Although they still couldn't hold a candle to the teamwork and skill of Naofumi and team .

Are we to assume Motoyasu and his party have gotten class upgrades by this point? He's a higher level then Naofumi and I don't think it would make sense for him to be so surprised at their getting beaten by that metric unless Naofumi's party had beaten an upgraded Motoyasu's party .

So Myne got played by the church, if she really was going along with their conspiracy up to this point. Couldn't have happened to a nicer girl. And she keeps saying she's the next queen while Melty is practically right next to her. How transparent can you get, lady ?

"Shut up, sister!" How long has Melty been holding that one in ?

I can't fault the church for citing the failures of the Heroes and how bad the state of the kingdom would be with Malty in charge, although assassinating the Heroes for discovering the "truth" and complaining about the Shield Hero not thanking you for the Holy Water you begrudgingly gave him is a bit much .
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