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Old 2019-05-04, 16:45   Link #30
Join Date: Dec 2003
Age: 41
Originally Posted by Frontier View Post
Past Heroes chose saving The People over saving The World? Is that why the Wave's are still happening? I thought that connected with the Shield Hero supporting the Demi-Humans, but it seems like something all the Heroes have done in the past. Probably because sacrificing a bunch of lives for the greater good isn't something people can easily do .
Maybe I misinterpreted what Fitoria said, but I think she was saying that past heroes wished they had chosen the people instead of the world. Like, they made a choice to save the world, but regretted it because of the lives lost. But she suggested that choosing to save the world is a more obvious/straightforward path than choosing to save the people.

You can sort of see this play out so far -- while the other heroes have been focusing on clearing the waves and not worrying about the consequences ("saving the world"), Naofumi and his party focused instead on protecting the people (and had to clean up the messes of the other parties who didn't think about that).

Originally Posted by AC-Phoenix View Post
Next due to all Heroes being summoned into the same place, it HAS TO affect the money they get for completing a wave from the host country. Melmorac has all 4 heroes, so the max fund is probably getting split into 4 and then redivided according to usefulness.
Next up is Malty making sure the spear hero gets favored in every way possible, making it hard for anyone to like him too much.
The other point here is that each other region of the world probably has its own champions that could fight alongside the heroes and so increase the hero's overall fighting power. Presumably it could also broaden the talent trees as well, since each region probably has its own defining characteristics. In this case, all of Melomarc's talent got divided between three of the heroes, and they're all leveling in the same general quadrant, so they're not maximizing their potential. Everyone having different "starter cities" would probably have put each of the heroes at a marked advantage. (For instance, if the shield hero had been summoned in the land of the demi-humans, he'd have a lot of people jumping at the chance to fight at his side, since he has a good reputation with that group.)

Originally Posted by BWTraveller View Post
Mein really isn't messing around. And she clearly has some strong allies; I don't think she has enough power to launch an attack like we saw.

And sadly, with that sort of attack it's pretty set that the Hero Naofumi's going to be dropped near is Motoyasu the Fool.
My bigger worry here is that he's going to show up near the other two heroes and then be framed for somehow causing the explosion (since he's now been spun as an enemy). On the one hand, I prefer they don't go this route because it's retreading old ground, but maybe this time after Fitoria's push, he'd try harder to clear his name. I would like the story to get out of this "rut" so I'm hopeful this latest chain of events is the catalyst to doing so.
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