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Old 2019-04-25, 17:49   Link #31
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2004
mmm, I dont see much room for any political damage control. If some other country had the Queen, considering what is at stake, I'd expect some retaliation to force the king sharing the heroes.
In any case in episode 13 the spy popped in the forest asking for a meeting with the Queen. Looking at the map Naofumi said she was in the opposite direction of the country they were headed to. He also asked to melty if she knew this country, so she do is in another country apparently. But, Melty and the spy came from that country. Especially the spy seems to go back and forth from there. Asking for a meeting also doesn't match very well with the strict control the king imposed over all the boundaries. So I'm a bit confused. Probably the country is a little one that is an ally or a conquered one where she has been confined. If we consider the damaged state of the castle we saw the Queen in, I'm leaning toward the latter. A minor conquered country the king doesn't bother to defend (odd choice considering that would mean not protect his wife and the mother of his daughters).

The meaning of things lies not in the things themselves, but in our attitude towards them.
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