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Old 2019-04-25, 01:42   Link #21
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2014
Fitoria: "I know that the entire country, it's royalty, army, church and people hate you and want to kill you and I know that they screwed you over but still, go and talk things out with them and make up for the good of the world."

Naofumi: "If you know that then you should understand why I can't do that so easily, they are the ones with the problem not me."

Fitoria: "Oh, so you won't do as I say?"

Naofumi: "No."

Fitoria: "Fine then I will just kill you all."

Yeah, her logic make no sense at all. This is like asking the victim of a crime to go and ask the ones responsible to let bygone be bygones as if nothing ever happened and to just work together for the good of society when they are still out to murder them.
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