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Old 2019-04-12, 11:03   Link #28
Master of Killing Time
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Makinohara Service Area
Originally Posted by BWTraveller View Post
Depends on his power and influence. Considering the current political environment he's probably got a fair degree of influence, and if he'd gotten some inkling that Melty might be there, he'd have prerogative. The guy appears to run a fairly small, largely rural territory, and with his unpopular position he probably couldn't just stand against him and refuse entry or anything. It'd just give him more fuel to claim some sort of collusion. It's all a matter of how much political power and prestige he has. There certainly are some who can throw their weight around like that. Especially if they have some sort of background of achievements to further bolster their position.
This might be the case here, but I don't know and haven't seen enough to say for sure that this is the correct explanation. We'll see in the next episode since that might also focus on how Idol got to where he is now.

To protect Naofumi and Melty. If he saves his own backside, he leaves Naofumi and Melty defenseless in a position where even if they escape they'll still pinpoint their location and thus their route. No matter how things work out they'd be in even more danger. Not to mention that Melty is in the hands of a man who at the very least BELIEVES he has enough power to get away with anything up to and including killing a princess whose political position is inconvenient to him and framing a guy who he can't confirm was present (though the top-ranking nobles will automatically believe and insist must have been). Escaping would be worse for her yet again.

Not to mention his people. If he fled, this could be used against him to push him out much faster than if he stood up for himself and claimed no knowledge of the Shield's presence. Flight would be taken as confirmation of guilt and leave his people in a very vulnerable state, while enduring this torment and insisting no involvement gives him a better chance at maintaining his position and thus protecting everyone.
It's possible that this skill of his was mentioned now and will be useful later on. Yeah I might've been too hasty since this arc isn't over yet.

There's a huge difference between believing in one bad apple who deceives others, tricks them into colluding with her and does what she wants and recognizing that the nobility is filled with people who are just as bad. And it takes even more to believe that a noble would be so very arrogant, sure of his security and determined to get what he wants that he'd risk raising a hand against her. She recognizes that there's a bad apple in the government and some negative prejudices, she doesn't recognize that there are people like this.
I was basing how I expected Melty to react on what Nao did when he learned about what Myne's accusation. I guess Nao really is the only emo kid in all this and Melty handled her sister's betrayal better than Nao did.

That was Naofumi's goal. Melty wanted to protect him and secure the party's safety more. She wanted them to just pack up and run while she took a shot that Idol would take her to the king (again she knows her sister's a bad person, but not that there's tons of others just as bad), not for them to just hide long enough to regroup and come to her rescue.
Melty had a deathwish and wanted Nao/raccoon/turkey to live, got it.

Originally Posted by The Green One View Post
Melty herself revealed her motivation to Naofumi. She's feeling guilty she hasn't been able to do more to stop what's going on as she feels responsible as the heir to the throne that she should be able to make this stop and is frustrated that she can't figure out how. She thinks her mother is counting on her to resolve the situation and wants to live up to her mother's faith in her. She's ashamed to hear about what a group of Melomarc soliders did to Raphatalia's destroyed village. She meant well but as a child she was naive enough not to realize that instead of taking her back to the Capital to confront her father and put and end to this that the tub of lard might have other plans for her instead and didn't realize the position she put herself into until it was too late. It's not that Melty's an idiot, she just isn't experienced enough yet. I mean she's a child. I can't think she's more than 12 at best. These last two episodes have tried to highlight that Melty is a little girl in WAY over her head.
Yeah I agree. I hope that Melty stops doing these things though, they create more problems for everyone lol.

Originally Posted by Dengar View Post
If you have problems understanding why a noble could just waltz into another noble's territory and take him captive, then uhh, how do I put this... Not all nobles are equal.
We haven't even seen actual nobles outside of the royal family and the capital before this episode, let alone know how they're organized into their territories or whatever. I apologize for not being savvy enough to instantly understand why a noble didn't even have a single soldier/bodyguard with him and all he had were 3 maids.

Originally Posted by Kinematics View Post
BWTraveller and Dengar covered most of the problem points, but I want to note that the demi-humans did not get to Idol's front gate. They only got to the gate that protects the bridge over the chasm that surrounds the keep, which is itself surrounded by a major wall. They were about three levels removed from being anything resembling an actual threat. There was nothing preventing them from getting to that point, so of course it's "easy". It's like saying it's too easy to walk up to the front door of the grocery store (whether the store is opened or closed). It's a meaningless objection.
Point is it was still awfully close to the castle deep inside Idol's territory. If you arrested a neighboring territory's lord and expected the peasants to march towards your keep to demand their lord back then you would've at least put up checkpoints or patrols or something before a large mob arrived awfully close to your castle/mansion/keep.
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