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Old 2019-04-12, 03:47   Link #27
The Green One
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2010
With what? A Female Elmer Fudd considering the way Charmless talks?

Well anyway, back on topic.

Melty herself revealed her motivation to Naofumi. She's feeling guilty she hasn't been able to do more to stop what's going on as she feels responsible as the heir to the throne that she should be able to make this stop and is frustrated that she can't figure out how. She thinks her mother is counting on her to resolve the situation and wants to live up to her mother's faith in her. She's ashamed to hear about what a group of Melomarc soliders did to Raphatalia's destroyed village. She meant well but as a child she was naive enough not to realize that instead of taking her back to the Capital to confront her father and put and end to this that the tub of lard might have other plans for her instead and didn't realize the position she put herself into until it was too late. It's not that Melty's an idiot, she just isn't experienced enough yet. I mean she's a child. I can't think she's more than 12 at best. These last two episodes have tried to highlight that Melty is a little girl in WAY over her head.
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